The Museo of Ara Pacis is accesible
The Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali wants to provide the widest possible public access to its historical and artistic heritage.
The Ara Pacis Augustae Museum, built ex novo in 2006, has a number of structural features that make it easier to access and offers various tools and special events for adults and children with disabilities. The museum is constantly being updated in order to improve the experience of all visitors.
Admission to the Museum is free for people with disabilities and their companion
> For dedicated educational events, see Accessible Projects
Accessibility for visitors with mobility disabilities
The enjoyment of the cultural heritage housed in the Ara Pacis Museum is facilitated by a series of aids (access ramps and lifts) and by the reception and assistance services provided by the museum staff.
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Routes for blind and visually impaired visitors
The Ara Pacis Museum is equipped with permanent tactile aids that allow blind and visually impaired visitors to explore and learn about the monument. Dedicated aids and tours are also provided during temporary exhibitions. The availability of these services is the result of the attention that has been paid over the years to the needs of visually impaired visitors.
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Accessibility for deaf visitors
LIS (Italian Signs Language)
Inside the Museum, near the entrance, there is a LIS video station that tells the story of the monument and the building that contains it.
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