Intorno ad Augusto (Around Augustus)

Artists will bring back to life not only Augustus but also the other contrasting voices around the Prince, such as those of his enemies, victims and family in the style of Plautus’s plays, which he thoroughly enjoyed.
Augustus died in the 14th century A.D. He was an unmatched politician and great director of both his own life and the City of Rome. He was an absolute leader but was intelligent and modest enough not to insist on being appointed dictator, king or emperor. Even for his own death, he prepared an impeccable scene. The funeral was organized to the finest detail, with a sumptuous monument in front of which was his spiritual and political testament, the “Res Gestae”, sculptured in bronze forever.
Knowing this document means knowing the first Emperor. It means bringing to life this monument around which an extraordinary world rotates.
The event we are proposing actually takes place around the Ara Pacis Augustae monument. Artists will bring to life not only Augustus but even all the other contrasting voices around him. Those of his enemies (Antonius and Cleopatra), his victims (Ovidius), his family (his foster father Julius Caesar, his wife Livia and his daughter Giulia), artists of the opposite trend (Lucretius), historians (Suetonius and Tacitus) and Plautus’s theatre that the Emperor loved.
The show will be performed by a great actor, a narrator and lights. The music will be played by a keyboard, percussion instruments and the solo voice of a jazz singer.
Mariano Rigillo (attore)
Claudia Marss (cantante)
Idalberto Fei (narratore)
Antonio Rodinò di Miglione (consulenza storica)
9 p.m.
Ticket price: € 7.00
The ticket office is open at the museum from 20:00 hrs onwards on the days of the performance.
Ticket reductions are available for holders of annual and monthly Metrebus subscribers, holders of Metrebus Card, of printed bus/metro tickets and for Rome public transport employees. In order to make use of these facilitations, beneficiaries must show their Metrebus subscription, their Metrebus Card, a printed Bit ticket or their employee card.
060608 everyday h. 9.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m.