Berliner Mauer

Berliner Mauer celebrates the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall with a concert that takes you inside the cultural identity of the German people.
Within the framework of the “Roma in scena” event the Cultural Association “Cane Nero!” (Canta o Nerone!), supported by Zètema Progetto Cultura, will hold the Berliner Mauer concert on Friday 9 October, 2009 at 21:00 hrs at the Ara Pacis museum on Lungotevere in Augusta (Rome).
The concert consists in the performance of the Wesendonk-Lieder by R. Wagner and the Vier Letzte Lieder by R. Strauss. The soprano Nausicaa Policicchio, renowned singer of music by Wagner and Strass, will be accompanied on the piano by Master Pietro Cangiano of the Rome Opera House.
The concert is a tribute to the German culture through Music, a language that Germans have widely used to disclose their culture and communicate with populations all over the world.
“The first part of the concert is dedicated to Richard Wagner with the performance of the Wesendonk Lieder, an authentic gem of Romantic music. The second part is dedicated to Richard Strass, whose name is inextricably related to Wagner’s as he continued the tradition of German music. The Vier Letze Lieders are a great expression of his latest music”, says the Art Director of the Association, Master Nicola Colabianchi.
Nausicaa Policicchio, soprano
M°Pietro Cangiano, pianoforte
M° Nicola Colabianchi, direttore artistico.
Music by: R. Wagner and R. Strauss.