Le città di Roma

A photographic exhibition documenting the development of the suburbs of Rome
The exhibition shows the various phases of the development of Rome during the last sixty years, through the analysis of its residential suburbs, with the aim of investigating on the different landscapes and the mechanisms and procedures which brought about their creation: urban strategies, funding regulations, rules for urban development, production needs.
A key element for the study of these areas is social housing landscapes, that has been interpreted through a photographic campaign on the different public building projects carried out both by the public and private sectors.
The notion of landscape encompasses all those conditions which define the features of an urban fabric: its physical configuration, the relationship between buildings and open spaces, the relationship with the surrounding environment, the figurative elements as well as the
emotional and behavioural ones.
Distinguish, recognise and name the main features of suburban landscapes, avoiding generic, summary and blurred considerations. Understand their deep meaning in order to get some indications for future projects, learning from the mistakes which were made but also
from the best solutions which were found.
The exhibition starts with a synthetic documentation on the suburbs of Rome at the end of World War II and it is organised in ten sections following a chronological path. Each photographic section is introduced by a table containing panels and videos with plans, original photographs and documents and a number of aerial photos. Along the exhibition path, a video offers an unusual aerial view of the city’s suburbs.
April 6-30, 2011
Tuesday-Sunday: 9.00 am - 7.00 pm (last admission 1 hour before closing time)
Closed: Monday.
Saturday, May 14, 2011: special opening and free admission from 8.00 pm to 2.00 am (last admission: 1.00 am) for the “ Night of Museums 2011”.
Adults: € 9,00;
Concessions: € 7.00;
Roman Citizens only (by showing a vaild ID):
Adults: € 8,00;
Concessions: € 6,00.
Info: tel. +39 060608 (daily from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm)